FTAPI makes the digitization of the energy industry GDPR compliant.
For public utilities and municipal enterprises.
As numerous studies show, cyber attacks pose a serious threat, especially for energy providers. On the one hand, they aim to sabotage infrastructure-relevant IT systems and in some cases even to paralyze them completely, and on the other hand, to steal the highly sensitive personal data that the public sector naturally has to deal with.
Whether electricity, gas, water or waste disposal: The economic consequences of a business interruption pose considerable risks for supply and disposal companies. They cause enormous loss of earnings and additional costs. The already tense risk situation is constantly exacerbated by advancing digitization. In order to maintain control over the data at all times, a solution for secure data transfer is a must. Wherever security and traceability are required during transmission, energy providers cannot do without end-to-end encryption.

GDPR compliant.
Provision of a solution for the GDPR-compliant exchange of sensitive data with authorities and project partners.